LGU JUBAN REVENUE CODE 2008 – Section 49: Requirements:

“Any person who shall establish, operate or conduct any business, trade or activity shall first obtain the following:”

1. Duly Accomplished Unified Application Form

2. Previous years Mayor’s Permit (for Renewal)
3. Barangay Clearance
4. DTI Registration (for Single Proprietorship)
SEC Registration (for Partnership or Corporation)
CDA Registration (for Cooperative)

5. BIR Registration
6. Community Tax Certificate for the current year (Cedula)
7. Police Clearance 75.00
Research Fee 50.00
Service Fee 25.00
TOTAL 150.00
8. Solid Waste Management
Clearance Certificate (MENRO) 125.00
9. Zoning / Locational Certificate (MPDO) 200.00
10. Sanitary Inspection Certificate (RHU) 100.00
10.1: Urinalysis (50)
10.2: Sputum (75)
10.3: Stool (40)
11. Electrical Inspection Certificate 100.00
12. Certificate of Annual Inspection 120.00

13. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
14. Three (3) passport size pictures of the owner or operator or in cases of a partnership or
corporation, the picture of the senior or managing partners and that of the President or
General Manager. (For New Business